Mr. B. will be gone until Sunday. He rode in the procession for Police Chief Ralph Painter today, from Rainier, Oregon to Portland. Even though my honey is no longer with the Rainier police force he was granted permission to wear his uniform again and was asked by the sitting Chief to ride with him in the procession. Tomorrow he will be back in Rainier for the Community service, a long and emotional weekend...I wish I could be there too but we have not found a trustworthy chicken/duck sitter yet. I really need to make more of an effort to do so, as you just never know what might come up.
Anyway..I am here holding down the fort or bailing water, depending on this crazy weather.
Next week we will be starting a giveaway. You know what that means, yes, a cookbook. What one should I give away? Or maybe you would rather another type of book, like a decorating, craft, sewing, knitting etc.....
How about you leave a comment and let me know what kind of book and maybe a suggestion of the title too. I would love to hear your ideas...Please!
Have a wonderful weekend.
that is the cutest little planter~ i love hen & chicks, never thought of having them indoors~
wishing you sunny skies~
so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend~
Stay dry and I am sorry about your loss. I wish I was closer, I would watch those critters for you.
Yes, sorry for your loss and also that you must bail! You will definitely have to find an appropriate sitter for the ducks/chickens. Wondering if a local vet can recommend someone to you. I personally love craft books and think it would make a great giveaway. Drop on over to my blog for a chance to win a $50. CSN gift certificate.
Darling little planter! So sorry for your loss. I hope the weather dries out soon...Diane
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