We had planned to go to the other house and have Thanksgiving at Mom and Sisters house with the rest of the family but the snow has changed that trip. It will be Mr. B. and I with the dogs. We slid into Mt. Vernon and did all of the shopping for the feast so we are all set.

The table will be groaning with the turkey and all of the trimmings.

We will be all cozy inside, safe from the howling north wind with a wind chill factor getting close to single digits.

I will use this special bowl for rolls. It blew off of the fence 3 times before I could get a few shots to share.

It looks like a wood burning but seems to have been done with a fine instrument...maybe someone knows something about this type of bowl.

Miss E. is all safe and warm in her house, if you look close you can see the far right chimney has smoke coming from her little wood stove.
I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving and if you are traveling that you are safe.
Ooh, looks cold over there. I'm glad y'all already have everything you need. Hopefully your Thanksgiving will be nice and cozy.
They keep saying we're in the snow, but I have yet to see any!
We keep having snow forecast as well but none has arrived yet! I wish it would, I love the snow!
Shame you won't get to see the family but I'm sure you'll have a lovely time regardless!
Kat x
Oh Sherri I used to go to a little church in Mt. Vernon and I had such a crush on this guy who worked at the cheese factory close by there is that still in operation?
that is such a cute town!
Nothing ever stops with the snow up here ever even freezing rain! A couple years ago they made plans in case the volcano blew which it did a liitle but school never stopped!
But down there everything stops in its tracks!
I loved that and kind of miss it!
You have a wonderful Thanksgiving I'm going to wear elastic pants and make a day of it,haha.
We are going to drive 200 miles to Anchorage so we can spend it with my Bitter miserable Sister, I love her though! take care Heidi
Hey, what's that white stuff all over your yard? I'm glad you guys are safe and sound. Stay warm, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sherri, Have a wondeful Thanksgiving and stay warm and safe! I hear we are to get more snow tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully the prediction of warming on Friday is true!
Sherri, we only got about an inch of snow down here in the valley, but the ice underneath was most unpleasant. Much has melted and with temps nearing 40 today, perhaps the rest will go.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Stay warm and may your day be filled with many blessings.
Sherri, I love your little cranberry bowl. The carving in that bowl is perfect for thanksgiving, thanks for your prayers.
Love the image...and that sounds like a good way to spend Thanksgiving:)
Happy Thanksgiving...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Stay safe and enjoy the snow and the yummy food.
The bowl is gorgeous.
Love Kate X
(Daylesford Organics)
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