My thoughts and prayers are still with all of those that have been or will be touched by Irene. I am thankful that it wasn't as bad as some had feared it would and so many were spared life and property.

I am thankful that finally our summer has come and my berries are ripening, this will be my second picking and they are calling to me as I type. Thankfully I can pop them right in to the freezer on cookie sheets where they freeze up beautifully and get packaged in to the zip bags. I love thinking of cold and wet winter days when I have a big pot of soup on the stove and some blackberry cobbler in the oven...Yum! Enough of the dreaming, I'd better get out and start picking.
I hope you all had a safe and happy weekend and a wonderful Monday! xo
Winter blackberry cobbler sounds really good:@)
Those berries do look good. We did enjoy ours here.
Oh my! I WISH I had those here!
I love picking berries at this time of year and I also like to freeze them to use in the winter months. A hot pudding stuffed with iberries eaten in December can bring back memories of warmer days.
So glad you are ok as the pictures in the papers here in the UK of the damage done by Irene are truly awful. I have been thinking of all the people like yourself who's blogs I follow, and wondered how they have been affected. I forget where everyone is living in the United States so was not sure if Irene had passed through their areas and my thoughts have been with
you all. Abby x
We were just talking about these beauties over dinner last night with my neighbor lady and how much we love them, up here we have raspberries.
Beautiful berries, and beautiful dreams of cobblers... Mmm.
Blessings, Debbie
We went berry picking this weekend for our wedding pies! Blackberries are one of my favorite things. Yum.
Glad to hear you are ok.
Yummy looking berries brings back some memories, back at an old yard we used to keep are horses at, we only had two at the time Madeline and Niko, there was a huge bramble bush that ran along one side of the fence, we used to pick the berries for the horses they really loved them, good for them too.
Oh look at those beautiful berries! I can almost taste them! I suddenly have a craving for cobbler, hmmmm...
The berries look delicious.. I would love to have some berries to pick. Do enjoy! Hugs, Diane
Those are pigeon peas, Sherri. I added that to the post so visitors wouldn't have to wonder.
Mmmmm, blackberry cobbler... I would love to do the same with my raspberries but I never have enough room in my freezer to single freeze them.
I used a recipe that I got on-line for the beans. I hadn't made them for a couple of years and didn't remember what recipe I had used. This one had great reviews and the ingredients list was vinegar, water, salt, dill seed, mustard seed, crushed red chili peppers and garlic. YUM!
I'll let you know...
Blessings, Debbie
I am thankful for you and your blog....An encouragement to all of us and a breath of fresh air....
"... a big pot of soup on the stove and some blackberry cobbler in the oven"... just made my stomach leap for emptiness. I can smell it! Have an enjoyable and safe Labor Day weekend, Sherri.
Those berries look so good! Yummm... let me know when you plan to make that soup and cobbler. I might invite myself over for dinner that night!
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