Snow, really? I will pretend I didn't hear that, I am not going to let this opportunity pass by. It has been far too long since I have been able to use my line and so tonight we will sleep on sheets with the sweet smell of the sun.

Hopefully, my computer will be all well by Monday.
Carbonite is doing it's thing right now to back up our files and when that is done,
McAfee will take over and I won't be stuck on the phone with tech help..Ugh.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. As for me, I will enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
oh how those pictures make me ache for spring!
glad to hear the puter is on the mend!
happy weekending sherri~
I knew it! I'm SO jealous sitting here in icy Canada...I have to be patient for another two or three months :(
We've got snow in our forecast, too. I really can't wait for Spring.
Yes, do enjoy! I heard the 's' word too, wanted to wash the radio guys mouth out with soap:@)
It is cold here too... and slushy in the mornings. The hubs has been up at the mountain hitting the slopes, but I am cozy here at home with a fire in the woodstove and coffee at the ready.
And, I just have to say that I had those sheets, the pink and yellow floral, many moons ago:)
Snow, really? I'm in Toronto and they had record temps of 58 degrees today! I guess I've messed up the natural order of weather with my travels :)
Look at those lovely pillowcases and linens....I hope your weekend is snow free!
A line of linen - what a wonderful sight! Washing lines seem so much more fun and romantic than the rotary ones (unfortunately what I have). xx
ooh i am totally digging those bright floral pillow cases!
We have had snow all day today, I woke up this morning to the biggest flakes I've ever seen, it was like petals falling.
I can't wait for some warmer weather so I can't start planting up my new garden - it's still just soil!
I asked Mr B about your computer and he said it sounded like a virus (not much help, that's what everyone said!).
I can't wait to put sheets on the line. Love your photos. We are expected to get between 6 and 10 inches starting tomorrow afternoon. We are also enjoying the sun today. wish I would have thought about doing the sheets as you did! Bet you sleep great tonight.
I want to thank you for a couple reasons. First for this post- I too love to hang things outside as often as possible to enjoy the "sweet smell of the sun". Second, your post reminded me I still had things outside on the line! It's 11:30 PM and I had to run out to get them. Lol. So glad I read this.
Did I ever tell you I am in love with your laundry line????????
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