Well now, at 5:00 AM there was no snow and nothing on the ground. Around 5:30 it started and this was taken at 7:00.

The chicken yard at about 7:15 and by the time I got boots, and gloves on the netting over the garden run was down.

I had to go out and tear down what was left of the netting, as it had almost collapsed to the ground with the weight of the snow. Then I tried to shovel a path to the heated water bowl and put out a new Flock Block to try and lure the gang out...no dice.

This is all just the beginning. We are now being told that blizzard conditions, with gusts to 60 mph. will be coming also, along with more snow and arctic temps.
I will be updating for family down in Portland and for all of you who are interested.
I am concerned about Daisy and the chickens...hope they will come out...I must figure out what to do to give them extra shelter for when the blizzardy stuff starts..Oh, and I have to rig up the heat lamp in the coop....All this and Mr. B. is working long hours, so no help there.
Yikes! 60mph wind is brutal. I hope you and your chicks stay warm enough.
No snow for us yet. Weather.com says it will start around 4pm, but I'll believe it when I see it. :)
I wish I could send you something yummy to eat and my farmer friends to help with the chickens.
Take care please.
xo Jane
Oh my, so much snow. Hope you all and the chickens stay warm!
Oh boy! I will not complain about us having a teeny tiny bit of snow... Hope you are holding up ok, and the chickens, I've come to really like them! Stay warm Sherri!
Oh, that is a lot of snow! Seems that it would be the perfect time for some soup. We are suppose to get some snow/sleet tonight, but nothing remotely close to what you are getting. I am so over Winter! Stay warm.
Oh dear, thanks for the heads up:) No snow here yet, although it has just started raining. It feels pretty cool. I am running to Wilco for chicken feed as the girls are getting low. They are all huddled under the new awning that the hubs put up.
We got 9 eggs yesterday! I just find chickens a marvel... how can they lay an egg everyday or so? I think they are quite perfect:)
How pretty! We had snow on Saturday, big fat flakes like petals.
Hope your chickies are ok!
Your poor little babies.....you got a heap helpin of snow!
Hope you got all the girls & Daisy in warm & cozy place and you too! Also wanted to let you know, I received my book today....t*h*a*n*k y*o*u!!!!! keep me posted~
I used to heat my chicken coop with a little oil heater. We mounted it on the wall of the chicken coop......they loved it. I'm sure they will come out ok. Mine used to bury themselves under the fresh straw and huddle together. Such little sweethearts!!!
Stay warm!!!!
Chris :o)
Loved your blog!!!
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