Night before last I was minding my own business, checking blog updates when up pops that pesky reminder from Microsoft that I haven't scanned lately...hmmm. So I mention it to the Mr. and he, in all of his wisdom says, "you need to do it." So, being the obedient wife that I am (sometimes, most of the time, well, I try) I started the process of scanning (above photo) which took longer than I thought and finally went to bed.
The next morning when I got up and turned on my beloved computer I found a different face..no familiar favorites, search places, symbols..it was gone, all gone and looking all foreign. I was so afraid and lost...What would I do? I panicked and couldn't think...I feared I would never see any of you again. At this, the lowest point, I realized that I hadn't had any coffee, that was no way to try to tackle something of this proportion, so with mug in hand I pondered the problem and soon knew that I must jump right in and take charge.

I made a few adjustments, and once I found all of you, I decided that I could live with this different look.....Until...
I went to make a new post. I loaded my photos and finished writing my post and proceeded to link to another blog and could not highlight to do it...Has that ever happened to you? It is a very odd feeling to not be able to highlight as you know that you cannot link without it. Then I had to delete the entire post because it was about another blog and I had to link...So after I deleted I tried a new post 'without' a photo and I 'could' highlight then. I tried it over and over and it was always the same. With photo, No highlight. Without photo, can highlight.

I am so hoping that some of you will be able to help me with this as I do love to link and need to.
Please help if you can. You can email or leave a comment of both.
Thanks in advance.