As I visit different blogs, I am hearing that we are still having some problems with Blogger and they seem to be all over the map. So I thought that since we are all pretty clever cookies, we can put our pretty little heads together and share our thoughts, problems and solutions.
Let's get started: Leave a comment of a problem or solution that you have found. Remember this is brainstorming so any thoughts or ideas are welcome....what do we have to lose, really? Even if someone else has left a comment with your same problem, leave yours also.
I will start here with...
* spell check is not working this morning, was working yesterday.
* couldn't make a link on Monday after photo was added, had to delete post and do link first then add photo.
*post will not publish, have to go to edit page and checkmark that post then go to bottom of page and click on publish checked posts. This has been going on for days.
* perhaps the most famous problem - not being able to comment on certain blogs..Answer - Sign out on dashboard, then when you have to sign back in make sure before you do, uncheck the 'stay signed in' box, make sure it is all the way undone. You will have to sign in every time but since I have done it I have had no problems at all with leaving comments...I tested this morning to see if this has been fixed, by checking the box again and it is NOT fixed, at least not for me, so I will keep mine unchecked.
That's it for me, now go ahead and leave your comment and I will do my best to put it in order for all of us.