What a beautiful morning! I am drinking it in and sharing with you. It is cool right now but promises to get down right hot today. The Pacific NW is just now getting hot summer weather, Seattle and our area up here will be in the 80's. The Mr. just hit the road for the City House and Portland....forecast there is near 100! Grandpa will be making the rounds to see grand babies and meet our new little bundle, Abe, for the first time!

Here is Miss E's sweet house across the road, with her gorgeous geraniums on her porch. She keeps them over the winter every year. They live in her garage and she waters them once a month...they get better every summer!

The coop is still in the shade and the chickens will have to get all of their 'scratching' done before it gets too hot, when they get too warm they walk around with their beaks open...not a pretty sight.

There's the Little Shed, it will be too warm to do much work up there today but soon it will have a nice coat of white paint inside and newly stitched curtains and all the treasures it can hold....just in time for the crisp fall weather and another 'new day'.
I have beans to pick and tend to today and a much needed trip to the market. What is on your list for the rest of the week?
Have a great day! xo
ahhhhh...miss E's sweet house just about sent me over the moon and back...so charming..love little shed too...really cute !!!
so pretty there today...thanks for sharing
have a great day
sending love,
kary and teddy
Neat pics with the haze! My G-Mom-B used to keep her geraniums in the basement over winter too:@)
Love a misty PNW morning... and I especially love Miss E's little white house with the popping red geraniums!
Beautiful fog on the field. Miss E's geraniums are gorgeous! Hot and cold are such a relative thing. Just depends on what you are used to. 80 sounds pretty comfortable to us after the heat we've had this summer.
Yep! It's hot! I love those geraniums on Miss E's porch. So beautiful.
Matt and I did some harvesting last night when the weather cooled down a bit, so today we're making more pickles! This will (hopefully) be one of our last rounds before we go on our honeymoon 'cause we're running out of jar space.
Nice shots I love to see the fog, Miss E's house is very pretty. Looking forward to seeing the shed when it is complete I think it’s going to be real nice. As for what I’ll be up to I’ll be having more lessons and may be going to see a one day event.
I am still picking tomatoes. Work and football for me this week. Love the fog shot.
The pictures are wonderful Sherri. The weather is wet and very windy here, so it is nice to read that you are enjoying some nice weather there. I love Miss E's house and the shed is charming, it will look lovely painted with pretty curtains up. Thanks for your comments on my blog, and as you have read my post, you now know what I am up to this week :) x
How cute is that little house. Love her flowers. We are having cooler than normal temps right now. So exciting after all the heat. Please show us pictures of the shed when you are finished.
Hope you are keeping cool! So true, panting chickens is not a pretty sight- poor things. We are laying low as it is too hot to do much around here.
I was so glad to see that Abe was able to come home:) Sweet blessings on him and your family!
Love, love your photos! We are busy with our basement again (the never ending saga) and I need to spend some time in the garden.
Beautiful pictures......I love these drives.....give those grand babies a smooch from all of us!
Nice pictures! Isn't this early Fall weather just wonderful!!!!! Have a great day!
I love the 'morning mist' photos! It HAS gotten pretty hot here, hasn't it? We're headed up to the mountains for the weekend... should be gorgeous.
Blessings, Debbie
Love the photos. I'm amazed at your heat! We're finally enjoying a break from our hot weather. On my list for the week? Pick corn!
What beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them, they gave me a nice moment of peace and tranquility this morning.
My hubby my sister & her husband did a wonderful chuckanut snohomish university village day yesterday!...wonderful day ! Almost a pity to spend it in the car...but when everyones day line up you have to take it!
Beautiful pictures!
beautiful pictures sherri!
Washington State
is where my parents,
and my heart, lives...
Thank you for these
lovely images!!
xx Suzanne
I love how the haze lifts off the pasture. Just lovely photos; makes me want a fall day. Bless Ms. E for taking the time and over-wintering her plants. They are lovely. I know Grand-daddy is going to love Abe.
Hi, I saw your comment on The Beak Whisperer. My chickens get various leftovers (they lovelovelove macha, also known as lamb's lettuce) but not daily popcorn. Yes, I bet your chickens are spoiled!
Signing on as a follower.
I was born in Washington....I left at a very early age....it's beyond beautiful your pictures, perhaps one day I'll be there again.
Until that happens, please keep posting wonderful pictures for us to enjoy!!!!!
Thanks for your kind comments, they are very much appreciated.
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