Monday, February 1, 2010

Good morning. I am trying something new to see if I can tame the picture placement. I realize now that I can actually use the little symbols on the top of my post page and not just the picture symbol. So I have requested the left hand side for my entry. I am going out of town this morning so I don't have any time to correct problems, my apologies in advance just in case.

I am posting a photo from yesterday as it is about the same today. No clothes hung out. I will try to post from my lap top while I am gone. I will be back on Friday but will still take pictures everyday of my other clothesline as it is also in the Beautiful Pacific Northwest! Have a great day. the way I am getting bored of empty clothesline so we will be looking at other things on these days.

1 comment:

Our Lady of Perpetual Stitching said...

Even though your skies are gray, the scenery is really beautiful. I have no doubt you will tame the photo goblin and things will fall into place soon. Enjoy your out-of-town time. I am intrigued by an "other clothesline also located in the Pacific Northwest". *goes to mix a martini and ponder this*