We are welcoming a new member to the flock today. A week ago Saturday we had to say goodbye to Brewster the rooster. He was old and tired and just laid down and said I'm done, so off he went to the big 'run' in the sky. At first we thought the girls would be fine without a man to boss them around...Maybe not...
They misbehaved so bad, it was party, party, party escaping to all parts of the fields all around with no thought to danger. Monday, I put my foot down and went on Craigslist and found the handsome one above. He is only 5 months old and is afraid of the chickens...they went after him right off...but he will grow in to his responsibility.
We won't name him yet we will wait to see his personality. As he grows I will post and give updates.
Tomorrow night is the deadline for the cookbook giveaway, if you haven't left your comment you might want to hurry over here.
See you Friday morning! xo
what a pretty bird. i hope you find a perfect fit & they will all get along. (:
He is so handsome that I would imagine the girls will sonn be fighting over him!
Hopefully he'll have them behaving again soon.
Take care-KImberly
He is quite the handsome cock! I'm sure he'll get those gals in line.
Blessings, Debbie
What a handsome rooster, he is so colorful! I hope he gets those ladies in line.
I LOVE his colors! Wow.
He's a pretty boy. So funny tht the hens were misbehaving without a man in charge. CHickens must be so interesting to raise. I love hearing about them.
I am having a giveaway too. Hop on over and sign up.
A while back I posted a picture of our son's rooster which look very much like yours;-)
When I was a kid on the farm, my sisters and I named our six roosters. I remember two of the names: Fancy Pants and Banjo-belly!
What a handsome chappy! I love to read about the characters of your birds.
wow I hope those girls appreciate him cuz he is one handsome boy!...Cock A doodle doooooo!
He's beautiful! And young, and the girls know but, he'll get things rounded out with the group. Looks like he's wearing a beard : )
He's quite a specimen ......it will be fun to see what type of leader he is....I wonder if some roosters can be hen pecked like some men.....hehe!
What a handsome fella... ladies can be quite intimidating I would imagine:)
Hope your family is well. Saying a little prayer for your daughter today.
He is beautiful!!! He reminds me of my old rooster!! I just love chickens, maybe because they all have such unique personalities! He will certainly get all those ladies in line!
Chris :o)
Oh, he is so handsome!
Our Barred Rock seems to have taken on some rooster traits since we haven't one. Cookie the cat chasing hen!
He is a handsome fellow. Yes, keep us posted on how he gets along with the girls. I would love to raise chickens.
What a great picture you paint of the chickens partying with not a care in the world and then lording it over the young Rooster! It sounds like the making s of a children's story,"The Topsy Turvy Chicken Coop!" or perhaps a reality TV show, "Girls behaving badly!!"
Peace & Plenty,
Hehehe...Maybe that is what is wrong with my hens - they need a rooster! We actually bought more pullets this weekend, I don't know what we were thinking. We have decided that the little chicks' "mama" (tall and bossy) will probably end up being a rooster, which of course, we can't have. We'll See. ;)
he is certainly a handsome chap! I'm sure he'll get the hang of bossing the girlies around soon. !
What a beautiful fellow!
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