This week I have been reading many resolutions for the new year and I will start off confessing that "None" of them were mine....They do not work for me, so, many years ago I brought that to a screeching halt, finished, done, no more. I trick my brain by calling it, casually, "New Beginnings", it sounds so much kinder to my scattered brain.
So, I will share my first NB. About a year ago I found this map at a garage sale in Vancouver and brought it up to the Little House, where it would live, above my computer, as a reference, while reading blogs from far away places. And so it sat, leaning in the corner, forgotten...until now...Ta- da, it's up as you can see and the space under is even organized (kind of ).
So there you have it, I have started the year off right and I'm all excited about the other things that I am going to trick my brain with, haha.
How about your New Beginnings, are they going well so far? xo
Nice going with the brain trick, the map looks great up there, your computer space looks very peaceful, I normally have a saddle at one side and a parrot over in the corner giving me the evil eye. As for my New Years resolution or NB I haven’t really had a chance to get started on it yet but I do have the whole year to work towards it ;)
I love it. It looks like a piece of art. Good for you getting it up, now everytime you look at it you will feel good about yourself.
That's a beautiful map. I've been wanting a huge map to go on my wall as well, but mostly because I'm rubbish with geography. It'd be really neat to see where others are posting from as well. :)
I love it, it gives you something bright and beautiful to look at as you ponder posts:@)
Oh, I LOVE that idea!! What a fantastic map and a great start to the year. I've started the year off by getting back into my studio after a 2 month unintentional break at the end of last year (foot injury!). I'm so happy to be back painting and am determined to finally finish many unfinished canvases to make room for new projects! yay!! Here's to a happy and productive 2012!!
Can you find Vancouver Island?
No RESOLUTIONS for Moi either! I love the NB thing! I did a NB weight loss thingy last year and dropped 40lbs. I've kept it off and this year my CNB (Continued New Beginnings) is to keep it off!
LOVE THAT MAP! Oklahoma is smack dab in middle of the USA and Edmond is about in the middle of the state. You know that, right? :) Teee heeee
I am sticking with last year's resolution of not eating in the school cafeteria! lol I love this map and your propping it in the corner sounds just like something I would do.
What a great idea the map is, and such a perfect spot for it too. Makes me wish I had a wall by my computer!
I love it ....that is the find of the century!!!
I agree with you new years resolutions are for the birds!
I started a juice diet today...hehe!
That map takes me back to my geography glass in 5th grade.Maybe it belonged to a teacher some time ago. I think NB is an excellent idea. It is a time to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Hope you can find us southern belles in North Carolina in your map.
what a great start.... what a way to begin the year off right. you go girl!! i try each year not to make resolutions... because i never really keep up with them... i just say goals ... along the year... that if i don't get them the way i want ... i kind of fix them & try again. ha. ha!! (:
I like your map idea. It's neat to be able to locate where a blogging friend is from.
NB-I'm working on a workroom for myself.
I do have personal goal which I never share,
just in case I never reach them!
Well you know how mine are going. Like your map idea and nice to see where you read blogs. Oh yeah, I didn't get to bed until after one, but it was because I was reading. Paying the price now.
glad the map is up- now you can see where I am!
Sun shining here, hope it is with you too
My my...
I thought (hoped) that I was the only person who liked to 'trick' her brain !!
I even have my clock set ten-15 minutes fast beside my bed so I have to come full awake to figure out what time it actually is... ;-)
As for my NB's... I ordered a bakers dozen skeins of yarn and a set of crochet needles. It is time I learned to crochet a 'Granny' square throw instead of just drooling over the ones I see on blogs !!
Scrumptious map- such lovely colors !!
That is so awesome! I never thought about using a large map on the wall like that, but it looks stunning....I am so proud of you! I don't like "resolutions" either and make goals for myself. I really like the idea of "new beginnings" and just might steal that from you, if you don't mind!
I am waving at you from North East England on your fantastic map :)
The menopause has made my brain turn to mush, so I have no hope of tricking it! xx
Love the term "new beginnings" - the map looks great
It's all so orderly that it already looks like success for the new year!!
A wonderful way to see the world, looking forward to reading the other new beginnings for 2012
enjoy the "little house" dear friend...
it looks perfect
Love the idea of New Beginnings and the map idea too Sherri! Brilliant! I saw a cute comic the other day with two kitties sitting in it, and one asks "what are new year resolutions"and the other says "some list my human makes for the first week of january" I had to laugh, as resolutions tend to not stick, maybe new beginnings will!! love and hugs to you!
I LOVE your wall map!!!! I want one... have no idea where I could put it, but I want one. :-)
Hi Sherri!
I wish you a good 2012, with good health and happy moments! Thanks for your sweet comment and I sure like your mindset, NB it is!
And is that your view? wow, a lot of snow, here it's falling in the mountains but since we live near the lake it is melting so it's more rain than snow. I need to get organised soon too, so hopefully the organize fairy will come and help me....enjoy the week! Maureen x
happy new year my friend! your wall map looks great!
did i tell you that my mom gifted me a coffee butler very similar to yours? i love it!
I LOVE this idea! When I first started blogging, I'd go often to the Live Traffic Feed widget and was amazed that people were coming for a visit from Paris, or London or Ancortes, Washington! Just that anyone would want to read the stuff that rattles around in this old brain was a wonder! I think I'm gonna get me a map and a box of pushpins and go crazy! Thanks for coming for a visit this morning...
Be fun to have pushpins to stick in when you learn where someone is..maybe next year?...Happy New Year!
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