I am in the process of some changes, serious changes, in our diet. The Mr. has some numbers that the Dr. says must come down, and I think that is all the inspiration I need to get right on it. Remembering back to the 70's, the health movement was much simpler than it is now, so the first stop will be this very popular author...

Adelle Davis who wrote this book in 1947. In it have found some very
interesting facts and quite a different attitude towards bread and the ingredients to be added to it for our optimum health benefits. There are other chapters covering many food types that I will be visiting also but for now it will be bread...mainly because I love bread and now need to make it as healthy as possible.
Next time we meet, you will see an actual loaf of bread that I make with my very own hands, well, I will be putting the dough in the Kitchen Aid with my very own hands (that counts huh?) and the report of how it all went. Confession, I am not a baker...yet! Please wish me luck!
Have a good day.
Beautiful thoughts of days gone by. I think the reason so many people are stressed and unfocused these days is because we've gotten away from the things that make a house a home. Much is to be said about convenience...but to me even more can be said about putting love and passion into WHAT we are doing with our life.
Love to you~
We make our own bread every week with a whole wheat blend flour. You'll master this is no time, and you won't believe how incredible the payoff is!
Good ol' Kitchen Aid. I delegate my dough kneading to the bread machine, but I think that's the only reason I've ever used it.
Looking forward to your bread. :)
I hear what you are saying. I need to make our own bread, as you never know what junk is added to the grocery store bread. Love the idea of using a book that was written in the 40's, an era where cancer was not striking to viciously. Must be something to that.
Good luck with the bread. Never tried making my own and am curious how yours turns out.
Mmm, sounds wonderful! Do you ever go to Bob's Red Mill when you are in town? I love that place. Last time I was there I bought some gluten free flour, though I still haven't tried it in a recipe.
Looking forward to hearing about your bread.
Good luck making the bread, look forward to seeing it.
good for you! we could probably all afford to make some healthy changes in our diets.
xo jane
I am looking forward to seeing that bread....of course you can use the Kitchen Aid! Keep up with the healthy changes...it will pay off big time! ♥
I am looking forward to hearing about your bread and other changes you make to your diet. I have numbers that need to come down too.
My Mother makes the best homemade bread. She puts in all sorts of wonderful healthy things that just make it scream fiber!!! Nothing better than a nice freshly baked warm loaf of bread!
Chris :o)
I wish you all the best in your endevour to eat better. It's always hardest at the beginning but, don't give up. I used to enjoy baking bread (until I had to go gluten-free) so, enjoy it and the more you bake your own, the easier it gets.
I have been really been listening to what my body has been telling me and am conforming and feel soooo much better. It's good for everyone to stop and think now and again before the numbers get up there.
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