I came across this great find in The Backwoods Home magazine in the ask Jackie section. I didn't even know these existed and had often thought how wasteful it was that the lid must be discarded after the first and only use. The Tattler lid is used over and over and are guaranteed for ever...yes it is true and they say they have never had anyone ask for a replacement. I will let you go on over to the website and get all of the info yourself. These are not cheap but if you do any amount of a canning then you know that buying lids every year adds up also.
I just came over to your place after looking for a u-pick apple orchard close to us. I'm determined to make a lot of applesauce this year since it's a "PGP" (a Pony Girl Preferred) food. I usually do apple butter as well so...coming upon this is perfect!
I may not be able to get them for apple season but, in the future it is worth the investment for sure. Thanks for posting about them!
I also want to thank you so very much for your comments this last week. I always enjoy hearing from you and you kept putting a smile on my face during a very busy week. Thanks!
Seems like everyone is canning but me :(
I need to look into this. I would love to find lids to reuse. What's your assessment of these? Are they good?
Thanks for your comment about our squirrel eating tomatoes. I think its a squirrel eating the tomatoes because I can't think of another animal that can get into our fenced garden and large enough to carry tomatoes up to the top of the picket fence. I thought it might be a chipmunk but I think they are too small to carry a tomato and climb up the fence. What other animal could it be? Any thoughts on this? We don't have dogs.
this is something I want to try someday!
I almost bought these early summer, but then I completely forgot. I do a lot of pickling and jamming every year - definitely need to invest in these for the future. Would probably save a lot of $$ in the long run...
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