Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thrifty Finds

First copyright 1900, Last 1944

Here are a set of the sweetest little butter knives for $1.00. I know the picture isn't the greatest but I am going to work very hard at taking the best possible pictures with my humble little camera. Isn't that very responsible of me? No, not really. The truth is, Santa ( MR. B. ) was very good to me this Christmas so I will make due until you all beg me to save your eyeballs from the torture of me and my HP Photosmart R847 lack of ability ( audible gasping from readers ). So there you have it. Now when I share my treasures you can just shake your head, click your tongue, sigh and say " Poor Sherri B. ".......... Well this will have to be it for tonight as I didn't expect the picture of the book to go on top...Oh well I will figure it out tomorrow. So much to learn. Good night to all.


Our Lady of Perpetual Stitching said...

Adorable, those butter knives. It's such a bonus when vintage thrifty goodies are in original packaging like this.
The photo placement in a post does often prove to be quite pesky. They just seem to pop in willy-nilly sometimes. Then other times they go just where you tell them to go. A mystery I tell you.

Sherri B. said...

Dear Lady, It really is nice to find goodies in original packaging but in this case there was no lid. But still a nice find....I was so hoping for a better result in photo placement. If what you say is true then we may be dealing with symptoms of hookosis (a condition of baldface lying). We will need to keep a close eye on this as it may be infecting all of the artful world...Perhaps Bossing it will work as it did in the case of the hook and yarn saga...we will see. Have a great day.