Happy December everyone and a cold one it is in our neck of the woods! Jack Frost paid a visit to us and it will soon be "Looking a lot like Christmas" around the Little House. Last night we put the tree up in it's special spot, after some minor issues (actually not a pretty scene but we won't go into that) with the Chinese made tree stand, which was totally modified by The Mr.
Off I go to get some different lights for the tree as the new, Tear Drop ones that I envisioned looking amazing on our sweet tree, were malfunctioning before even getting on the tree....Yes, I hear you saying "At least they weren't on the tree!"
Have a great day, hopefully the next time I will be able to show off a bit of the tree! xo
It's looking a lot more like Christmas indeed! I can't wait to see your tree. :)
i wish that my hubby enjoyed decorating... because i would have tons of ideas ...but unfornately he is more of a bah humbug type of person. (i try with the lights, tree & music inside but it doesn't work. boo. hoo.) i would trim the whole house with white lights. we live in a victorian so the roof is very, very high up ...so i would never get up there myself. (on a ladder, might break my neck, that would hurt.) even the hubby has people come to do the roof work ... guess we are both chickens. enjoy all your decorating. we woke up to 24 degrees with morning. brrr. guess the winter is here sooner than we thought it should be. but i think it really makes you get into the christmas mood. (:
Jack Frost has been to visit, but never sticks around.
Every year I hold my breathe as we plug in the Christmas lites-you just never know if they are going to come through for you or not!
At least you don't have tto far to drive to replace your bad ones. I look forward to seeing your tree when it's up and shining.
Looks chilly, glad to hear the tree’s up I’ll look forward to maybe seeing a bit of it, I am sure it looks great, good luck with the rest of your decorating :)
Oh how we just had frost here in Alaska, LOL!!!! Ha, ha...I still need to get a tree!!! Your way ahead of me!! Can't wait to see your decorated tree!!!
Chris :o)
Lovely photo! Weather has not been very Christmas like here (temps in the 50's). Decorations are up. Only thing missing is the tree, but we don't do that until the week before. Have a lovely Friday!
Looks like Jack Frost left a "deep frost" for you. We've had a few mornings where I slid across the deck! I think it makes it feel more holiday when it's cold like that. I know that feeling when things don't run smoothly in tree decorating. Hope you found what you were looking for. I know it will be beautiful.
Awww, go ahead, write about those minor issues. Things like that, awful at the time, are often funny later! I look forward to photos of the tree with its new lights.
What would Christmas be without something malfunctioning????? LOL Hope the rest of the season goes smoothly for you.
I had a set of lights on our tree and as I was sitting admiring it in all it's beauty the thing went up in smoke.
I will NEVER trust lights again. I can only imagine what would have happened if I was in another room.
Wasn't the frost the best! ...Better then road crippling snow!
Thinking of you & your family as you prepare for Christmas!
You have reminded me, I need to pick up new lights!
Enjoy your decorating and stay toasty!
What a pretty picture. :o)
What a totally cool photo! Hard to believe December is here, isn't it?
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