I feel bad that there are some who still are having problems with leaving comments. The last few days I have seen quite a few mention this. This is a quick post to let those of you who are still struggling see how easy it is to fix...at least everyone I hear about doing it, says it worked. First sign out, then go back to your blog to sign in and make sure that box (above) is unchecked. You will need to go through the sign in process every time but it is worth it to be able to leave those much loved comments.
If you feel the nudge and have a chance to mention this on a post, you are welcome to link to this post.
Have a great day! xo
Someone suggested that to me awhile back and it worked. Thanks for posting.
This works for me, so I hope it helps others.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, I'm glad you had a nice walk with me!! Stay safe!
Chris :o)
You know, I found this out a while back and it works everytime. Thanks for sharing information like this that will help us all!
This is right on. I did this just a few days ago and haven't had any trouble at all.
I also cleared my cookies. So if you still have trouble try that too.
Have a great day Sherri!
OK, I didn't know that! Good tip.
I never have that checked, because DH also use this from time to time. Sometimes I forget that I have to check and see who is signed in at the moment, and I have left messages under his name and then had to go back and say... "Sorry, that was really me." :-)
I always go though the sign in process and I have never had a problem with commenting, so I think this is good advice.
Thanks sherri for posting...
It does work but why doen't blogger fix that?
it's been quite a while people have been struggeling with the comments.
Have a good one!
and thanks again,
xoxo~kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I haven't seen this issue...but I know that Blogger sure has had a bunch of problems. I hope they get it all worked out. It's more than a little irritating! Thanks for the pointer though.
Hello - I have not had trouble - it was so unsettling when there was so much problems with posting comments and followers widget missing - made me realize how I have come to enjoy visiting and being visited!
Hope those problems get cleared!
I need to do this ! Thank you!!!
Have a PRETTY day!
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