When I started pulling it and put it in the compost, the chickens went nuts over it and next thing I knew, it was all gone. Every evening I go and pull out more and they wait for me to throw it over the fence...it grows very fast. I might add that we have never planted anything like that in the garden so it is a mystery. All ideas welcome.
We have a winner of the Thrifty Hints contest. All of the hints were very good and each a winner in itself so I thank everyone who contributed. To be fare I stepped aside and asked daughter, Kami and her friend Joy, to be the judges. They are both good homemakers and moms to little ones and are on strict budgets, so I felt were well qualified.
Here are their emails:
Kami: I have chosen Lola Nova for the thrifty contest because she not only had one great idea, but 11! I bet she saves loads of money on a regular basis!
Joy: I love that you did a thrifty contest! I like all the ideas Lola Nova had. It makes think I need to adventure beyond only canning jams. :)
Thank you ladies for being the judges.
Congratulations to Lola Nova for putting on that thinking cap and helping us all out and I will get the Book sent out right away.
I hope you all gleaned helpful hints from all of our friends who sent them in, thanks again to you all!
Have a wonderful weekend! xo
I wish I could help you figure out the identity of that plant, but it's a mystery to me, too.
Congrats Lola Nova!
Thank you so much to Kami and Joy, and thank you Sherri for such a great contest. I am so excited to be a winner!
No clue about the plant though, I hope someone can tell you, I'd like to know as well.
Thanks again!
I thought the plant looked like turnip greens and they do bloom yellow flowers if left alone.
Wow your garden looks like it is doing really well, nice job. I am not very good with plants and have no idea about your invader, sorry I can’t be of help. Congrats to the winner.
It sure looks like rapini plant. Here is more info about it. Hope this helps!
Our broccoli rabe was much larger, but this does look like a brassica, all of which our chickens adore. We have a few wild mustards here, could your plant be something similar? Good luck figuring it out, your garden looks beautiful.
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