We are expecting an addition to this group of busy grandchildren on September 5Th, but he is trying to come right now, needless to say it is way too soon. Daughter, Kami, spent time this weekend in the hospital and was sent home with medication and ordered bed rest. Thankfully, our son in law, is a Portland firefighter and has the '24 on and 48 off' work schedule. He does have some obligations to cover for vacations and needs to fulfill those promises.... in come the grandmothers....so I am going down today and take some shifts while he is gone. I will be down there for at least a week but will be able to sleep at our Vancouver house and get some things done there too (will someone please clone me).
Please remember our little one in your prayers, we are taking it one day at a time as everyday he will be stronger. Kami has had the steroid shots to help his lungs develop in case he can't wait.
Thank you and I will still try to visit your blogs and give you updates on mine.