A new blogger friend had those nice big photos on her post today and so I ask her to tell the secret. She was happy to share how...

only it didn't work for me. I was dissapointed but fooled around and thought maybe I had it...So this post is the result of my experiement that went wrong. That is why the photos of the handy work of the iron worker passing time (?) has nothing to do with this post.

Here is a happy thing....my Jack and his dad went on a walk last night and brought me ..

flowers from the field. I love my guys!!
So if the pictures turn out big, then I will be suprised and if they didn't then I will be sad and any tips on how to do this would be appreciated.
Thank you to new blogger friend Kimberly for her help. She is new to blogging and has a lovely blog,
Camp and Cottage Living.
Hope you all have a nice evening. xo
aaaah... those sweet boys brought their gal some daisys. They know a special love when they got it. Love that shot of your pooch; he looks VERY big. As far as photos, I've gotten mine a few times posted "extra-large" and they take up huge space. Of course, I'm still new at this and have no idea what I did to get them that way. I'm shamelessly of no help. Debi
If you could get your Hubbie to teach my Hubbie how to pick or buy flowers that would make my year!!!!
I think your photo's look great.
Sherri, were you able to figure out how to make your pictures bigger? I actually just looked into this myself recently, so I might be able to help you.
When you attach a picture to your posts, what size do you normally choose (small, med, large, xl)? Depending on your blogger template, your blog may not be able to accommodate xl or even lg size, but you can manually adjust the width of your blog template text area if necessary. You can also manually adjust the size of each picture in the "edit html" mode, so you can get custom sizes between s/m/l/xl, too. Let me know if any of this makes sense. If not, I can help you more!
Sherri B. ~ I'm no expert, but I found if you pick a Blog with a design that has the word "stretch" in it, you'll be good to go. That's how my Blog has the large pictures. You also have the option of going small too, when posting, but I most always pick the largest. Good luck ~ love your pics, any size. :)
Love your pictures of the iron snake! Looks like you have the simple template so you should see sm./med./lg./xlg. when you post the pictures when you scroll over them. Just click on the size and then preview. Hope this helps! Come visit me at GrannyMountain!
Well, your photos are beautiful. As for increasing the size, I had to mess with my template's width first, and figure out how many pixels could comfortably sit in the body of my posts (currently set to 500). I link most of my photos from flickr, and there are size options in the sharing menu. For photos that I don't link from flickr, I adjust their width in photoshop (or any editing program) to 500, upload to blogger, and then click "original size."
500 isn't really that big, I know, but these steps could be taken for any width that you set for your template. If all else fails, ask google. :)
I've found that if you hover the mouse over the pic when you've put it on the post (before you publish)you get size options come up and can click which you want? I usually go for large but you can choose extra-large.
Sometimes best to click the preview button before publishing just to make sure they fit in ok
ps I do love your blog tho just as it is!
Love your flowers, what a fun surprise! Happy July 4th Weekend Sherri:@)
When I'm getting a post ready to publish, I click on the picture and a popup gives me the option of medium, large, extra large and original size. I click on 'extra large' and it makes a nice size picture. (I tried original size, and it is HUGE so I never use it!)
hi sherri~
love the photos~ wishing you and yours a happy 4th!
Seems like you have had plenty of good advice on the photo issue. Hand picked flowers are my favorite. Happy 4th of July!
Sorry I am not able to add anything that has not already been mentioned. I do love your blog and pictures anyway and have always thought they were just fine :) x
Thank you all for taking the time to leave such kind and thoughful comments and tips. I will be checking out those tips in the days to come and soon you may see The Big Photos!
Happy 4th to you all!
I thought your images turned out wonderful...I loved the daisies and your sweetie in the background!
Have a wonderful 4th!
I agree with everyone else, the photos are great! Sounds like you've gotten plenty of good advice as well, on getting the photos larger. It's really a lot of fun to play around with stuff like that. Just love blogging.
Very nice photos, I really like the one of the dog. Sorry I don’t really know about changing the size of photos on blogger so I hope your other followers have been more help.
Hope you had a great 4th, Sherri. I'm inside now as they are calling for 88 here in the valley today... not my kind of weather, but the peppers and tomatoes prefer it.
Sherri, you might look at the different templates blogger offers to see if there is one more suitable; also, ran across this info:
Hope it is helpful.
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