Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sad isn't it? This is a small example of a home lived in at one time but now only used as a pit stop. Here we have an area that was a thriving compost pile.

Well, what do we have here.....Fennel anyone? . . . . . I have been gone from this home for over 5 years and boy does it really show. And so, as I wipe the tears away, I realize that a change is in order and very necessary. Mr. B. and I have discussed it and I will be living half time at each home. In the middle of the week if you see a blur on I-5, then that will be me. I have every intention of being successful at tending both places, keeping up the blogs and keeping the shop full to the brim (I have been known for my determination).
Wish me luck as I load up and head North to the Little House.


Lola Nova said...

Oh my goodness, you are determined! Boy, those blackberries will swallow animals and small children if you turn your back for a second. Best wishes in all you have on your plate.

Rachel Noelle Pallas said...

Tending to two houses would be alot of work~ Hope you dont over do it~ Take care~ Hugs,Rachel ;)

Michelle said...

No worries, your shine again like it once did. I know what your determination can out dirt and clutter, here comes my big sis!

Michelle said...

Oops...I mean your HOUSE will shine again. Typo on last comment. :)

Heidi said...

We went back by the little home we owned on E street and I could have cried it looked nothing like my loved home had once before, so put the shine back in that little house.
It's sad how people don't care, were you renting or selling it?

Unknown said...

Ack. Good luck to you. It's amazing how far a determined attitude can take you. :)

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Wow! Two homes!! I hope the new arrangement enables you to give the time they both need.

I can't imagine that your new arrangment was an easy choice. You must really love that house to want to care for it so much.