When I saw this at the local thrift I just had to have it. Never mind that I have no idea what it is, it just looks handy and I figured that the Internet would tell me all about it.

No luck with that, so I thought I'd give you all a shot at it. Does it look familiar to anyone?

If you know please tell, but if not, a wild guess would be fun.

Even better, a story to go along with it would be interesting too.

Let's see what everyone comes up with.
The Mr. thinks it has something to do with cake decorating, I don't know so much about that.
Have a good one! xo
Well it's obviously one of those...you know...thingumies for...doing stuff with.
How weird. I wonder if the umbrella mark is a clue? xx
It looks like an instrument of torture to me. Just a guess.
Do you think it is one of those things that create flowers out of your vegetables? like rose shaped carrots or something?
Well, it looks like what you have to attach to your arm after a crocodile bites your hand off.
I think I've seen a tool like that used to make chocolate curls/shavings.
pumpkin carver?
I think you roll it across a slab of butter and it makes a 'butter curl'. They used to put them on a dish in fancy restaurants. One curl was just the right amount to put on a bread roll. Of course, I could be totally wrong! x
Captain Hooks Hand!!! LOL, just kidding, really I haven't a clue! It's totally interesting! Can't wait to find out what it is!!
Ha, ha!!! Didn't read anyone else's comments before I made mine. Looks like "Garden of Daisies" and I are on the same track....LOL!!!
Chris :o)
back scratcher, just kidding, gosh, i'm just dying to know. all these suggestions everyone has given ... it has my mind a wondering. can't wait to hear all about it. (:
That is a very odd looking thingy, looks like it could be a farrier tool but I believe the handle looks like it must be a kitchen utensil of some form, but other than that I have no idea, I’ll be interested to see if anyone knows what it is.
Is it used for chocolate curls, etc...?
I'm with Kami - it looks like a medieval torture tool!
I am always so frustrated when I can't the answer I am looking for in the web. Am going for a scraping tool. Maybe to de-seed gourds?
*lol* i love this post! so fun to read everyones guesses~ i'm thinking some kind of dohickey used to work on your thingamagigy when it breaks...
hope that helps
I vote with the chocolate and butter curls but prefer Andi's and Gardenofdasies' replies.
Oh my, I just pulled in to the Vancouver House and checked the blog...I am laughing at all of the great guesses, how fun is this! You all are such good sports!! xo
That company makes kitchen gadgets, tools and knives. I believe it is a "butter curler" garnish tool!
Really have no idea what it could be...
But with that said-
I'm pretty sure that I should have one exactly like it !!
Hmmmmmmm..no idea here...I like the cake decorating idea. xoxoxo HUGS
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