*** CrockPot Granola ***
A Year of Slow Cooking, but it is new to me and I couldn't be more thrilled with the find. Started in 2008 by Stephanie O'dea who set out to do 365 days of slow cooking and has not stopped sharing yet. As you can imagine, she is a wealth of information after nearly 3 1/2 years of practice! You will also find gluten intolerance issues addressed as one of her children was diagnosed at an early age with Celiac, and with more family members and friends being diagnosed with this disorder it is just another plus to have this wonderful blog to turn to.
Stephanie has also compiled her experience in two books that would be a bonus to have on our kitchen bookshelves, "Make It Fast, Cook It Slow" and "More, Make It Fast, Make It Slow", more info here. Thanks Stephanie!
Please check out her blog for all of your slow cooking needs, A Year of Slow Cooking here.
Have a great weekend and to all of you Mom's out there, have a very Happy Mother's Day !!
Looks interesting! I'll have to check out that blog.
Hove a great weekend. :)
Thanks for looking at my blog and your comments - I LOVE my slow cooker - I think they are made for Artists.
I'm just going over to check out that blog now.
I don't have a crock pot (or slow cooker as we call them here) but I have an oil-fired Rayburn range oven which is like a smaller Aga and, unless I turn up the oil (which I'm loathe to do cos of the cost at the moment!) everything I cook goes slowly and beautifully- stews, casseroles, soups etc...and hopefully the blog you've found will give me some fab new recipes :))
Hope all is well with you dear Sherri,
have a lovely weekend
Ooh, so happy to find a new blog with inspiration for my slow cooker, thank you!
Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Ooh thanks for sharing. I'm gonna love it!
Blessings, Debbie
Wow, that looks really useful - I shall investigate! Thanks for your comment too. It's not Mother's Day here yet. Have a great day.
thanks for the crockpot info, can't wait to try some new recipes~
i hope you have a wonderful mothers day sherri!
Maybe I should get my Father those two books, it certainly wouldn’t do any harm.
Thank you a million times over!!!! I will have to send this information to my daughter who is off at college. She asked me for crockpot just two weeks ago, so this is the perfect post for me!!!
Hope you had a great Mothers Day!!!
Chris :o)
Thank you for the link to both the recipe and her blog. Sounds so easy and I do love granola. Love the idea of her blog as well. Crock pot cooking is so easy, that it's hard to think of it as "slow" in the traditional sense of the term. Just proves that slow cooking doesn't mean hours and hours in the kitchen!
Oh, this is wonderful! I will get these books for myself and my newly wed daughter! Love the idea of the granola,
Hope you have a blessed week,
Since I've been home studying for the past three weeks, I've wanted to be in charge of dinner but not stuck in the kitchen for long. THIS will be a huge help!
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