Hood Acre Farms Another near and dear to my heart entry. These are a few of my sister Michelle's favorites. She shares a home with our mother who likes to be 'in charge' of the kitchen so her time using her books have been limited...We are trying to get mom to loosen the reigns on the stove a bit.
My sister is a real trooper and I am very proud of her. She was diagnosed with breast cancer this spring and has just completed the last of her chemo. Next week I will be going down to Portland for her surgery on the 19
th. She has been a shining example of how faith in
God and a positive attitude can help a person not just get through a difficult time but become a stronger and more vital individual in the process. She has a blog which I have been encouraging (nagging) her to post more often so if you want, pay her a visit at
Hood Acre Farms*
Here is her email: As of yet, I am not much of a cook, however, I love the country life, being a
farmgirl/cowgirl, and surrounding myself with lots of animals. I want to learn how to cook simple
down home meals like they prepared on the prairie or out on the range while
wrangling cattle. There is a myriad of cookbooks out there for my taste, but it is quite overwhelming as where to begin. So, when I stumbled upon the cookbook: Cowgirl Cuisine: Rustic Recipes and Cowgirl Adventures from a Texas Ranch, I knew I had found the book I would love to win.
Best of luck to all contestants!

Thank you Michelle for your entry and good luck.
Remember that tomorrow is the last day to
enter. The winner will be announced on Friday when you will meet a new character in the saga of the Little House. We have asked Miss E. who lives
across the road and is 82 yrs. young, to help with the giveaway.