This is a quick update on the garden mainly because that's all it will take as summer has yet to arrive. I won't get started so as to not ruin your weekend with my really bad attitude. (I am so sick of this weather). ...The little tomato plants above were on clearance at 2 for $1.00. They will go in some sort of pots so they can be brought in the house to ripen if needed (I will have ripe tomatoes no matter what!).

What's this miracle? Mr. B.'s currents starting to ripen, who knows how. The purple flowers are the sage.

Update on straw bale garden. Yes, that is a zucchini seedling. I pushed it down in the bale and took a handful of organic potting soil and patted it down, that's it.

Here are some zucchini plants that I just put on top then heaped potting soil and a little straw and they are doing quite well.
Not much more to show right now and so I will be off to make a serious attitude adjustment and try to see things in a different light....light, what light? Oh dear, not off to a very good start now am I? Hope you all have a sunny weekend.
I so hope that Henny cheered your attitude a little!
Us Brits are ALWAYS moaning about the weather, so good to read the lack of sunshine doesn't only happen here.
As Henny would say- have a good weekend, hope it's sunny side up :))))
Hi - I know what you mean...i'm sitting inside with the fire on! Change of attitude required here to...lovely to catch up with your blog, and see
your photos....Hope you're having a good weekend - xxx
Hello Sherri,
I am happy that you had a great laugh at my place today! Most of the time I am busy in the garage or studio creating or designing a Model home. There comes a time when you just have to let loose and ask a friend a favor!! do you think you would like to water for me !!
Thank you for your first time visit and I hope you come back look through all my older post to get to know me a little bit as I will be happy to go check yours out some more and also looking forward to seeing and getting to know you! :P
I hope you left my place with a chuckle in your heart, and a smile on your face!
It was about time I made someone laugh!
You should have seen me yesterday, I was so angry at the weather I went 'round with a scowl on my face all day. I had plans in the yard, yes I did and they were spoiled. Oh dear me, that isn't helpful is it?
I am excited to see your bale garden, how cool!
Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog today, so nice of you to share your memories with me. Now, if we can get that sun to shine we will be in business!
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