** Photo Source AP **

** Photo Source AP **
The story continues to worsen for the people of Japan. I am heartsick and can barely put words together to describe the muddled emotions that are going through me right now. I pray but the heaviness in my being will not lift. Where do those on that island begin and what pieces will be left to work with?
There, but for the Grace of God, go I. For those of you who do not know, the Pacific Northwest is on a horrible fault line...from California all the way up to the border of Canada and beyond. The Little House is on an island and right by the beach...and so it goes, the photos are real and the truth of the matter is real...this could happen to us and I am not ready, in more ways than one. Living every day as if it were the last is important, because it really could be the last.
Dear Lord, please be with the people of Japan, only you can help them with what is to come. Amen.